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From the business, for the world: News about BHS Corrugated

What is happening in the corrugated industry and at the market leader BHS Corrugated? Which trends, which innovations should you not miss? Learn more and click through our news!


Remote Support from BHS Corrugated

In order to be available for our customers at any time location and time, we have already started to build up our remote support service in 2019.…

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Expert lecture by sports psychologist Dr. Tom Kossak at BHS Corrugated

The new year has begun, and many of us have made resolutions or goals for the new year. But how do you stay on the ball?

On Quitters Day (January 19)…

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BHS Corrugated receives Corporate Health Award 2021

Health is the most precious thing that any person can have and also companies must be active in promoting and maintaining the health of their…

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WE. Make vaccination happen - Brands against Corona

Convincing as many people as possible to get vaccinated - the only way to get out of the pandemic. But how to convince people? The Berlin agency…

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Splicer SP-S - our basic splicer with reliable advantages of the splicer family of BHS Corrugated

In addition to the established splicer models SP-M and SP-L, the SP-S offers an entry-level state-of-the-art splicer for splice speeds up to 350…

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Digital Print

Helmut Kraus, Head of BU Digital & Logistics, has been invited to Podcast of Dan Brunton

In his podcast Group Publisher of The Packaging Portal and Publisher of the International Paper Board Industry (IPBI) Dan Brunton regularly interviews…

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Get ready for teamwork - Machines clever connected by iCorr® - the digital solutions from BHS Corrugated

With the team up of intelligent equipment such as the Modul Facer® MF-A with interlinked digital solutions of iCorr® - BHS Corrugated further supports…

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Groundbreaking for new logistics center of BHS Corrugated

On Thursday, 23 September 2021, the groundbreaking of the new BHS Corrugated logistics park took place at the industrial zone of Weiherhammer,…

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Behind the scenes: iCorr® Assist Glasses at the BHS Corrugated Service Helpdesk

Helmut and Michael are experienced experts at the Helpdesk of BHS Corrugated and provide competent support to customers of BHS Corrugated, especially…

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BHS Corrugated agrees major-sponsorship for Ice Hockey club “Blue Devils Weiden”

For the next years, BHS Corrugated will support the ice hockey club “Blue Devils Weiden” as sponsor. The cooperation is of a three-years period: In…

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