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Get ready for teamwork - Machines clever connected by iCorr® - the digital solutions from BHS Corrugated


With the team up of intelligent equipment such as the Modul Facer® MF-A with interlinked digital solutions of iCorr® - BHS Corrugated further supports you in terms of availability, productivity, and high quality at the lowest possible operating cost.

Of course, the machine itself is highly automated. The MF-A for example changes its flute fully automatically in less than five minutes and the corrugating roll transmits right away via RFID (=“Radio Frequency Identification”-Technology) all relevant process data, to start immediately with the right glue gap and corrugating roll pressure.

Thanks to superior software solutions like Warp Control System and AutoPilot the machines know how to produce a flute in terms of process settings to achieve the best possible bonding and flatness of the board at the highest possible speed.

But as a team with the digital solutions of iCorr®, BHS Corrugated can bring the machines on a completely new level. By permanently monitoring more than 400 point of measurements from one Modul Facer®, iCorr® makes it possible to identify any atypical behavior from a single controller proactively. A MF-A installed in Australia certainly can’t be compared, with one in Germany, therefore the rule limits of the intelligent alarming are adjusted to the general ambient conditions. If iCorr® detects a malfunction, an automatic alarm is sent out and a job on the planning board could be triggered to check the functionality. In case a spare part is required, iCorr® makes it possible to check the availability in the consignment stock or fully automatically order the required parts online.

And the MF-A is of course only one part of the corrugator, currently more than 3,000 machines are supported by iCorr® in terms of maintenance, production, and purchasing. 80 percent of all electrical issues are solved by iCorr® with no intervention required on-site and the remaining issues are solved much faster. Hereby iCorr® helps by increasing the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) of the corrugator, designed by BHS Corrugated.

Let’s continue successful teamwork!

Handover of Best Presentation Award to Christin Haubner and Bernhard Müller