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From the business, for the world: News about BHS Corrugated

What is happening in the corrugated industry and at the market leader BHS Corrugated? Which trends, which innovations should you not miss? Learn more and click through our news!


Ranga Yogeshwar congratulates BHS Corrugated on making it into the TOP 100

Weiherhammer / Überlingen, June 24, 2022 // Honored at the German SME Summit: Ranga Yogeshwar pays tribute to BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau…

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BHS Corrugated repeatedly wins award for family-friendly companies

For the third time, after 2015 und 2019, BHS Corrugated won the “Johanna-Frank-Preis” for family friendly companies.

Within the scope of a…

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Upgrades for Thai customer of BHS Corrugated

S&D Industries Co Ltd, a Thai customer of BHS Corrugated has received an Upgrade on its existing Dry End and now operates a complete QUALITY Line Dry…

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BHS Corrugated Shanghai becomes Asia Regional Headquarters

A few days before the Chinese New Year, the application of BHS Corrugated Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. for the Regional Headquarters (RHQ) has been…

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BHS Corrugated and LUCE Trust stand up for people in need in and from Ukraine

"As BHS Corrugated, we stand for peaceful coexistence worldwide and condemn acts of war of any kind. Therefore, in addition to our business…

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BHS Corrugated is Best Managed Company 2022

BHS Corrugated is the winner of the Best Managed Companies Award 2022, which is awarded by Deloitte Private, Credit Suisse, the Frankfurter Allgemeine…

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Portrait about UNIVERSAL – IPBI May/June 2022

The May/June 22 issue of the magazine “International Paper Board Industry (IPBI)” contains a big portrait about UNIVERSAL Corrugated B.V, which has…

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STEADY Line at Indonesian customer is a big success

In 2020, a STEADY Line S was started-up at our Indonesian customer PT Tristar Makmur Kartonindo (Tristar). The complete corrugator line, with a…

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New course set for logistics: BHS Global Logistics GmbH will be new competence partner of BHS Corrugated

The supply chain is an important factor in the value chain of BHS Corrugated and therefore plays a central role for the future of the company. In…

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Do you already use our iCorr® shop?

Then we are interested in your opinion!

The iCorr® Shop has made great progress with your feedback. We want to continue to improve the iCorr® Shop…

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Expert lecture by Sports Physician Dr. Lutz Graumann at BHS Corrugated

Whether at work, in sports or in everyday life - each of us is exposed to high levels of stress. During a virtual lecture at BHS Corrugated, sports…

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