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DENK.summit 2024


"We move Oberpfalz" - on 26.06.2024 the time had come: For the second time, the DENK.summit - the career and start-up event in the Upper Palatinate - took place with around 700 pupils, students, entrepreneurs, founders and visitors at the Innovision Center® in Weiherhammer. BHS Corrugated supported the event as a premium partner.

As part of "", pupils and students had the opportunity to get to know around 30 well-known companies from the region and beyond and to discuss career opportunities in a relaxed atmosphere.

In addition, a total of 17 start-ups were represented in the start-up tent in the outdoor area and presented themselves and their ideas at a stand.

Before the main act, keynote speeches by three speakers with a wide range of experiences and backgrounds opened up new perspectives:


  • Florian Dostert, the winner of last year's DENK.summit, reflected on the "10 start-up myths after 10 years of practice"
  • Stefanie Dechant, who holds a doctorate in industrial engineering, encouraged women to pursue technical careers and showed that you can be a technical ace and a successful influencer at the same time
  • VIP guest and jury member of the TV show "Höhle der Löwen", Carsten Maschmeyer, gave exciting insights into his personal career and presented valuable tips on the art of selling

In the subsequent pitch competition, eight of the 17 start-ups present were able to prove themselves to the high-caliber jury.

The winners of the DENK.summit 2024 are:

1st place: 2Lock 
2Lock wants to revolutionize the locking process for e-bikes 

2nd place: ams Reichert
ams reichert wants to revolutionize the wire harness production of tomorrow.

North Upper Palatinate Prize: inContAlert
The medical technology start-up inContAlert is developing a system to measure bladder filling levels in order to improve the quality of life of those affected.

The DENK.summit 2023 was initiated by Pauline, Thomas and Julian Engel. Together with the LUCE Trust, they are pursuing the goal of opening up future prospects for pupils, students and start-ups. In line with the motto "We move Oberpfalz", the aim is to strengthen the attractiveness of the region and promote innovative projects and business ideas.

Another new feature of this year's DENK.summit is the "DENK." app: It provided an overview of the various program items, a location map and offers long-term opportunities for exchange and networking.

Save the date: The DENK.summit will enter its third round on June 25, 2025!

